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Saturday, 28 May 2011

Belief, Comprehension, Myth, Perceptions, Philosophy & Spiritualism

Myths apparently are self-consciously paradoxical descriptions, subjective facts & truths expressed through rituals & stories. The path to mental peace, soulful happiness, knowledge & skillful excellence and therefore immaterial & material success lies in leveraging, practicing & utilising the power of these subjective facts & truths in Personal & Professional Life, Management & Business activities.

Certain occurrences that are beyond human comprehension / belief / perception / understanding are conveniently categorised as Fiction / Imagination / Myths / Hallucination / Hypothesis.

Apparently to Man, the word Myth is but a concept CREATED by Man to conveniently & comfortably shield himself / herself from the truth; the incredible; the unknown & the unbelievable. A pseudo concept formed to foolishly convince & insulate himself / herself and the lesser intelligent folks from events & facts that may have genuinely taken place in history (centuries or millennia or eons ago) that are beyond his / her perception / understanding / comprehension.

For instance: Just because certain things are not visible to the human naked eye, does not imply non-existence. Plenty of Wealth in any currency or form is not an everyday sight that is common to everybody, does not imply it does not or cannot exist...similarly just the way one cannot see his / her own back (although totally understand that there are many means available today to see), does not mean it does not cannot see the insides of one's own body, does not mean the insides don't exist; similarly if one does not / cannot see God / Demon, clearly does not imply non-existence; however visibility can be obtained through the various means available and bear in mind these could also be visible in the various means or forms in the world today.

End of the day, it is all about what you believe in, why and how much you believe in it for it to seem real / rather appear real or even manifest itself into the real thing for you.

Thought for the day: Always remember that when Man proposes; God disposes. And God will Always Give what you Need and not what you Want!

Please feel free to share your thoughts too as would love to hear different thoughts & perspectives. The World is an Interestingly Beautiful & a Wonderful Place after all.

All the very Best
Aparna & Shekhar

The thoughts or views being shared in here are purely based on personal belief, comprehension, perception & understanding.

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